ContentTools aims to provide both a fully-functional content editor that can be used out of the box and a tool kit of classes and functions that can be used to build your own editor. The tool kit includes a lightweight set of user interface classes, a set of tools for performing common editing tasks, and a history stack for managing undo/redo. Whilst the components provided by the tool kit work well together, they can also be used or replaced as required.

The rest of this page is purely reference documentation for the ContentTools library, for usage guides and examples I recommend you read the Getting Started guide and other Tutorials.


The library consists of a collection of classes namespaced under ContentTools:


A number of settings are provided against the ContentTools namespace. These can be set directly.


The default tool configuration for the editor's toolbox. The format is an array of arrays, where each top level array is a grouping and each group array holds a list of tools specified by their registered name as a string.

// Defaults to
    ], [
    ], [
    ], [


Default sizes for new videos when inserted.

Defaults to 400 by 300


If the user holds down the shift key for an extended period of time the editor will highlight the editable regions on the page. This setting determines how long the user must hold down the shift key to activate this feature.

Defaults to 2000


A list of element class names ignored by the inspector, typically because attributes cannot be safely set against them.

Defaults to [ListItemText, Region, TableCellText]


A function that accepts an ImageDialog, the function then binds handlers to various events for the ImageDialog to implement support for uploading and manipulating images asynchronously (see the Handling image uploads tutorial).

There is no default image uploader.


The minimum region that can be selected when cropping an image (in pixels).

Defaults to 10


A map of restricted attributes; attributes which can't be viewed or modified in the properties dialog. The map is defined as an object with a list of restricted attributes against each tag name. Attribute and tag names must be specified in lower case.

Attribute and tag names must be specified in lower case.

// Defaults to
    '*': [],
    'img': ['height', 'src', 'width', 'data-ce-max-width', 'data-ce-min-width'],
    'iframe': ['height', 'width']

'*' is a special case tag name any attributes defined against it will be restricted for all tags.



Validate/parse a video url and return a valid embed URL. Supports YouTube and Vimeo URLs.


Return a list of restricted attributes for the given tagName. This will include restricted attributes defined against all tags using '*' as the tag name.

EditorApp (inherits from ComponentUI)

The EditorApp class is actually a wrapper class that provides singleton access to, by default, the out of the box content editor. Access is provided via the get class method like so:

var editor = EditorApp.get();

Whilst the reference below provides details of the methods for the default editor, if you're thinking of extending or rolling your own editor you will either want to use the getCls method to monkey patch or inherit from the default editor, and if you're inheriting or rolling your own you'll need to modify the EditorApp wrapper class so that it returns your new class, for example:

// Monkey patching default editor class
var editorClass = EditorApp.getCls();
editorClass.prototype.someMethod = function () { ...monkey, monkey... };

// Rolling your own
var MyEditor = function () {
    ... optionally extended using the `editorClass`...

// Patch the EditorApp wrapper class to support our new class
EditorApp.getCls = function () { return MyEditor; }

Writing your own editor from scratch requires you to have a good knowledge of the ContentTools code base. If it's a small change you want to make then monkey patching or extending and overwriting is the way to go.

Event name Description
revert Triggered when the editor reverts the page to it's previous state.
save Triggered when the editor saves the page. The event includes the passive key/value.
saved Triggered after the editor has saved the page. The event includes the passive and regions key/value pairs. Regions is an object containing a map (name/content) of regions that have changed.
start Triggered when the editor is started.
stop Triggered when the editor is stopped. The event includes the save key/value.
tool-apply Triggered when a tool is applied. The event includes the tool class, element and if applicable the content selection.
tool-applied Triggered after a tool is applied. The event includes the tool class, element and if applicable the content selection.

editor = ContentTools.EditorApp.get()

Returns the single instance of the editor.

cls = ContentTools.EditorApp.getCls()

Return the class used to generate an editor instance.


Initialize the editor. The queryOrDOMElements parameter can either be a CSS query selecting that selects the editable regions on the page or a list of DOM elements, and the namingProp is used to determine which attribute against each of the region DOM elements will be used to uniquely identify each region. The query should be a string containing one or more CSS selectors, for example:

<!-- HMTL -->
<div data-editable data-name="article-body">...</div>

// JavaScript
var editor = ContentTools.EditorApp.get();
editor.init('[data-editable]', 'data-name');​​​​​​​​​​

Optionally a fixture test function can be provided which will receive a DOM element representing a region/fixture and should return true if it is a Fixture, for example:

    '[data-editable], [data-fixture]', 
    function (domElement) { 
        return domElement.hasAttribute('data-fixture');

If no fixture test is provided then the editor will provide a default test function identical to the one in the example given above.

The last argument, withIgnition, allows you to control if an ignition component will be created for the editor, this is useful when you want to use a different mechanism/UI to start/stop the editor.


Returns true if the Ctrl key (or Command key on Apple) is currently being held down.


Destroy/tear down the editor application.


Return a list of all the DOM elements that are known to the editor as regions.


Returns the current state of the editor. The possible editor states are:

DORMANT An instance of the `_EditorApp` class exists but the `init` method has not yet been called (the primary distinction here is that the editor has not been mounted to the DOM).
READY The editor has been mounted to the DOM and is ready (e.g the `start` method can be called to begin editing the document).
EDITING The editor is in the editing state allowing changes to be made to the document.
Editor state Description

Editor states are held against the ContentTools.EditorApp class.


The editor tracks changes to the page using the History class. The history property holds an instance of the History class used to store the state of the current editing session.


Return the ignition UI component for the editor.


Return the inspector UI component for the editor.


Return true if the editor is currently in the dormant state.


Return true if the editor is currently in the ready state.


Return true if the editor is currently in the editing state.


Return a list of regions in their navigation order. By default this is based on their position in the page, but it can be modified using the setRegionOrder method.


Return a list of ContentEdit.Regions that the editor is managing.


Returns true if the Shift key is currently being held down.


Return the toolbox UI component for the editor.


Get/set the busy state of the editor; if no busyState is provided then the current state is returned (as true or false). If a busyState is provided then the editor will either be set or taken out of the busy state.


Return a placeholder element for the region (used to populate an empty region).

If you want to customize the default placeholder element used to populate a region when it becomes empty then override this method. By default it will return an empty paragraph.


Highlight (or stop highlighting) editable regions within the page.

editor.paste(element, clipboardData)

Paste content from the clipboardData into the given element. The editor monitors for paste events from the user and uses this method to handle them.


Revert the page to its previous state (before we started editing it).

editor.revertToSnapshot(snapshot, restoreEditable=true)

Revert the page to a snapshot. See History.

Save the page in its current state. This triggers  save and saved events against the editor.

The saved event allows changes to the page to be saved somewhere, for example a database or file (see Saving changes).

If the passive argument is given and true then the saved event will trigger, but the page will remain editable. This allows a save to be called by external code that doesn't want to change the state of the editor (e.g to support auto-saving).


Similar to the tab index of fields in a form, this method allows the navigation order of regions to be set. The new order is defined by a list of regionNames.


Start editing the page. Calling this method makes the regions the editor was initialized with editable.


Stop editing the page. The save argument if determines whether stop will call the editors save method (if true) or revert method (if false).


Sync the editor with the page. SyncRegions can be called in any editor state making it easy to add or remove editable regions while live editing. If a regionQuery is provided then the existing region query will be replaced.

syncRegions looks for new or removed editable regions since syncRegions was last called. (potentially indirectly from init and start). If you want to replace the content within the existing region then consider using the Region.setContent method.


The History class provides a mechanism for storing, navigating and reverting the changes made to an editable document.

Snaphots are referenced throughout the following section. The term refers to an object which contains a map of region names and their HTML content as well as the selection state at the point the snapshot was taken.

// The structure of a snapshot
var snapshot = {
    regions: {
        'article-body': '...', // (a string of HTML)
    selected: {
        element: element,      // a ContentEdit.Element instance
        selection: selection   // a ContentSelect.Range instance

stack = new ContentTools.History(regions)

Create a new History stack monitoring the given regions. The regions should be specified as an object where region names map to their ContentEdit.Region instance.


Returns true if there is one or more snapshots ahead of the current snapshot and therefore the redo method can be called.


Returns true if there is one or more snapshots behind the current snapshot and therefore the undo method can be called.


Return the number of snaphots stored in the stack.


Return the current snapshot.


Move the stack's head to the given index and return the snapshot at that position.


Move the stack's head forward one position and return the snapshot at that position.


Replace the regions the stack is monitoring with a new set. The regions should be specified as an object where region names map to their ContentEdit.Region instance.


Restore the content selection and caret position for the given snapshot.


Stop watching the page for changes.


Move the stack's head backwards one position and return the snapshot at that position.

Watch the document for changes. The watch process monitors the root (see ContentEdit.Root) for changes by comparing its modified date with the date a snapshot was last taken; if the two are not the same then it triggers the creation of snapshot.

To ensure we don't take snapshots whilst the user is still actively making changes we wait for a short period of inactivity before taking the snapshot.


The StylesPalette class stores a list of styles available to users via the editor. A list of styles is usually defined and added to the palette as part of initializing the application (see Configure styles).

StylePalette is a static class and should not be initialized, all its methods are class methods.


Add a list of Styles to the palette.


Return a list of styles in the palette. If a tagName is specified then only styles applicable to that tag will be returned.


The Style class is used to define styles (CSS classes) for use in the editor. Styles must be registered with StylePalette before they can be accessed in the editor.

style = new ContentTools.Style(name, cssClass, applicableTo)

Create a new Style. The name is displayed to users in the editor, the cssClass is added to the class attribute of an element the style is applied to, and the applicableTo can be used to limit the style to a list of applicable tag names. If applicableTo is not given, the style will be applicable to all tags.


Return the tag names this style is applicable to, no value (null) means the style is applicable to all tags.


Return the CSS class name for the style.

Return the name of the style.


ContentTools provides a set of tools for common editing tasks. Whilst these tools provide a good base for creating a content editor, it is possible to create new tools as required (see the Adding new tools tutorial).

The following tools are available in the standard code base.

Tool name Tool description
bold Make the current selection of text bold (e.g <b>foo</b>). Applying the tool to bold text will remove the format.
italic Make the current selection of text italic (e.g <i>foo</i>). Applying the tool to italic text will remove the format.
link Insert a link.
heading Convert the current text block to a heading (e.g <h1>foo</h1>).
subheading Convert the current text block to a subheading (e.g <h2>foo</h2>).
paragraph Convert the current text block to a paragraph (e.g <p>foo</p>).
preformatted Convert the current text block to a preformatted block (e.g <pre>foo</pre>).
align-left Apply a class to left-align the contents of the current text block. The class applied is text-left.
align-center Apply a class to center-align the contents of the current text block. The class applied is text-center.
align-right Apply a class to right-align the contents of the current text block. The class applied is text-right.
unordered-list Set an element as an unordered list.
ordered-lists Set an element as an ordered list.
table Insert/update a Table.
indent Indent a list item.
unindent Un-indent a list item.
line-break Insert a line break into the current element at the specified selection.
image Insert an image.
video Insert a video.
undo Undo the last change.
redo Redo the last undo.
remove Remove the current element.


The ToolShelf class allows tools to be stored and retrieved using a name. Tool names are used to define the tools that will populate the editor ToolboxUI widget (see DEFAULT_TOOLS in settings).

ToolShelf is a static class and should not be initialized, all its methods are class methods.

ContentTools.ToolShelf.stow(cls, name)

Add a tool class to the shelf so we can retrieve it later by name.


Return a tool from the shelf associated with the given name.


The Tool class defines a common API for editor tools, for this reason any tool class you write should inherit from the Tool class (see the Adding new tools tutorial).

Classed derived from the Tool class are static classes; every property and method is held against the class and the class should not be initialized.


The tools label, this will be displayed as a tool tip when the user hovers over the tools icon in the tool box.


The tools icon class, this will be added as a modifier of the ct-tool CSS class, for example if the icon was defined as bold the modifier CSS class would be ct-tool--bold.

ContentTools.Tool.canApply(element, selection)

Return true if the tool can be applied to the given element and selection.

ContentTools.Tool.isApplied(element, selection)

Return true if the tool is currently applied to the the given element and selection.

ContentTools.Tool.apply(element, selection, callback)

Apply the tool to the given element and selection. Optionally a callback function can be provided which will be called once the tool has been applied.


The Event class provides information about events dispatched by ComponentUI instances.

The event model changed in release 1.2 and is no longer compatible with the ContentEdit event model. The change was necessary to allow UI events in ContentTools to modify the default behaviour and halt other registered callbacks.

event = ContentTools.Event(eventName, detail)

Create a new Event with the given name and detail. The eventName is used so that event listeners can be added which will trigger bound callbacks when an event of the same name is dispatched. The detail for an event can be any value but will always be either an object or undefined if dispatched by the core library (and we recommend that you follow this approach).


Return true of the event has been cancelled.


Return the detail of the event.

Return the name of the event.


Return true if the event has been halted.


Return a time stamp of when the event was created.


Cancel the event preventing the default event action.


Halt the event preventing any bound listener functions that have not yet been called for the event being called.


ContentTools provides a small set of user interface classes to support the included editor. The UI is not designed to be a complete UI library and is deliberately designed to be concise. If you're writing your own editor you may well choose to use a more complete UI library, however if you're just looking to extend the functionality of the existing editor the UI library is quite capable.

All UI component classes inherit from the ComponentUI class which provides base functionality and a common API.

component = ContentTools.ComponentUI()

Create a new ComponentUI.


Return a list of children for the component (this list is a copy but the child components are not).


Return the mounted DOM element for the component.


Return the parent component for the component.


Return true if the component is mounted to the DOM.

component.attach(child, index)

Attach a component as a child of this component.


Add a CSS class to the component's DOM element. The CSS class is not retained if the component is remounted.


Detach a child from this component.


Mount the component to the DOM.


Remove a CSS class to the component's DOM element.


Unmount the component from the DOM.

component.addEventListener(eventName, callback)

Add an event listener for the named event against component.

component.createEvent(eventName, detail)

Create an event. This provides a useful short-cut allowing you to call @createEvent(...) instead of new ContentTools.Event(...).


Dispatch an event against the compontent.

component.removeEventListener(eventName, callback)

Remove a previously registered event listener for the component. If;

  • no eventName is given all listeners are unbound from the component,
  • an eventName is given but no callback is, then all listeners for the named event are unbound,
  • an eventName and callback are given then the listener for the given calback is unbound for the named event.


Added DOM event bindings for the component.


Remove DOM event bindings for the component.

I typically don't document private methods (indicated by the prefixed _ character) but these two methods (_addDOMEventListeners/_removeDOMEventListeners) are worth documenting as when you're writing your own components you should override these and add any DOM event binding/unbinding code to them.

ContentTools.ComponentUI.createDiv(classNames, attributes, content)

All UI components are constructed entirely from one or more nested <div>s. This createDiv class method provides a short-cut for creating a <div> including the initial CSS class names, attributes and content. A DOM element is returned.

WidgetUI (inherits from ComponentUI)

The WidgetUI class is the base class for components that are mounted at the root of the application such as the toolbox, tag inspector, ignition and dialogs (e.g within the <div class="ct-app">..</div> element added by the editor).

widget = new ContentTools.WidgetUI()

Create a new WidgetUI.

Show the widget. By default widgets are not visible when they are mounted to the DOM.


Hide the widget.


Anchored components are mounted against DOM elements at a specified point. Remounting an anchored component requires that the parent perform the re-mount.

The benefit of anchored components is they are lightweight and can be rendered into a specific DOM element by the parent, for example tools within the toolbox are anchored components.

component = new ContentTools.AnchoredComponentUI()

Create a new AnchoredComponentUI.

component.mount(domParent, before)

Mount the component in the DOM within the domParent, if a DOM element is given as before then the component will be mounted before that element, provided it is a child of domParent. If before is not given then the component will be mounted as the last child of the domParent.

FlashUI (inherits from AnchoredComponentUI)

A flash is a visual indicator displayed typically once a task has been completed, for example it might show that a save has been successful or that it failed.

Instances of the FlashUI class are short lived, they display as soon as mounted and are unmounted as soon as their animation has finished. As such, references to flash instances should not be stored, for example:

// Let the user know everything went OK
new ContentTools.FlashUI('ok');

flash = new ContentTools.FlashUI(modifier)

Create a new FlashUI with the given modifier (see the mount method).


Mount the flash on the DOM, the modifier will be applied as a CSS modifier of the ct-flash class for example if the modifier is ok then the modifier class would be ct-flash--ok.

The modifiers currently included in the code base are:

  • ok which displays a tick.
  • no which displays a cross.

There is no need to call mount directly as it is called when the FlashUI instance is initialized.

IgnitionUI (inherits from WidgetUI)

To control editing of content (e.g. start/stop/busy) an IgnitionUI class is provided. The ignition switch is typically created and used by the EditorApp class to control its state and would not usually be accessed outside of the EditorApp class.

Event name Description
busy Triggered when the iginition is set to or reverted from the busy state. The event includes the busy key/value.
cancel Triggered when the ignition's cancel action is selected.
confirm Triggered when the ignition's confirm action is selected.
edit Triggered when the ignition's edit action is selected.
statechange Triggered when the ignition's state is changed. The event includes the state key/value.

ignition = new ContentTools.IgnitionUI()

Create a new IgnitionUI.


Set the ignition to busy (or revert if from a busy state to its previous state.


Dispatch the cancel event against the ignition and set its state to ready.


Dispatch the confirm event against the ignition set its state to ready.


Dispatch the edit event against the ignition and set its state to editing.


Get/Set the state of the ignition. State must be one of the following values:

  • busy
  • editing
  • ready

InspectorUI (inherits from WidgetUI)

The InspectorUI class provides a breadcrumb style navigation tool for the selected editable element within the document and its chain of parent elements.

inspector = new ContentTools.InspectorUI()

Create a new InspectorUI.


Update the tags displayed in the inspector's tag trail based on the editable element that currently has focus.

TagUI (inherits from AnchoredComponentUI)

The TagUI class is used to populate the InspectorUI's tag trail. Each tag represents an editable element. Selecting a tag from the inspector bar allows the user to modify its properties.

tag = new ContentTools.TagUI(element)

Create a TagUI for the given element which must be a ContentEdit.Element instance.

The ModalUI class provides a blocking layer which prevents the user from interacting with the page whilst allowing them to interact with UI components above the layer such as a dialog.

modal = new ContentTools.ModalUI(transparent, allowScrolling)

Create a new ModalUI. The transparent flag determines if the modal's layer should in some way hide the page content (e.g to reduce distraction) or if the layer shouldn't be invisible to the user. The allowScrolling flag determines if the page can be scrolled while the modal is open - when a dialog is opened you typically don't want the page to scroll as that behaviour may interfere with the scrolling of content within the dialog.

The transparent flag determines if the modal's layer should in some way hide the page content (e.g to reduce distraction) or if the layer shouldn't be invisible to the user.

The allowScrolling flag determines if the page can be scrolled while the modal is open. When a dialog is opened you typically don't want the page to scroll as that behaviour may interfere with the scrolling of content within the dialog.

Event name Description
click Triggered when the user clicks on the modal.

ToolboxUI (inherits from WidgetUI)

The ToolboxUI class provides a floating window of content-editing tools. The toolbox is draggable so that the user can position it as required whilst editing. The position is stored in local storage so it persists between editing sessions.

toolbox = ContentTools.ToolboxUI(tools)

Create a new ToolboxUI containing the given tools. The tools should be provided as an array of tool groups where each tool group is an array of tool names (see the DEFAULT_TOOLS in settings.).


Return true if the toolbox is currently being dragged.

Get/set the tools that populate the toolbox. If a new set of tools is given then the the tools populating the toolbox will be updated, otherwise those that currently populate it will be returned.


Refresh all tools in the toolbox, this must be called whenever the currently selected element is changed so that the tools can be updated (e.g applied, can be applied states) to reflect those changes.

ToolUI (inherits from AnchoredComponentUI)

A tool that can be selected in the toolbox.

Event name Description
apply Triggered when the tool is selected. The event includes element and selection key/values.
applied Triggered after a tool has been applied. The event includes element and selection key/values.

tool = new ContentTools.ToolUI(tool)

Create a new ToolUI that when selected will apply the specified tool (Tool).

tool.apply(element, selection)

Apply the tool (Tool) associated with the tool (ToolUI) to the given element and optionally selection.


Get/Set the disabled state of the tool. If disabledState is given then the tool's state will be set otherwise the tool's current state will be returned.

tool.update(element, selection)

Update the tool's active state and applied appearance based on a given element and optionally selection.

AnchoredDialogUI (inherits from WidgetUI)

The AnchoredDialogUI class is the base class for creating anchored dialogs. An anchored dialog appears above the page but is anchored to a set position within it, they are useful for in-page edits such as setting a link within the page.

dialog = new ContentTools.AnchoredDialogUI()

Create a new AnchoredDialogUI.


Get/set the position of the dialog. If a newPosition is given then the dialog will be anchored there, if not then the dialog's current position will be returned.

The newPosition must be a 2 item array in the form [x, y] (in pixels).

DialogUI (inherits from WidgetUI)

The DialogUI class is the base class for creating dialogs.

Event name Description
cancel Triggered when the dialog is cancelled (closed without saving).
save Triggered when the dialog is saved. Typical the save event will provide one or more key/value pairs containing details of the dialog's content when the user saved.

dialog = new ContentTools.DialogUI(caption='')

Create a new DialogUI with the given caption.


Get/set the busy state of the dialog, if no busyState is provided then the current state is returned (as true or false). If a busyState is provided then the dialog will either be set or taken out of the busy state.


Get/set the dialog's caption. If no newCaption is provided then the current caption is returned. If a newCaption is provided then the dialog's caption will be updated.


The ImageDialog class provides a dialog for uploading, rotating and cropping images.

The dialog doesn't handle the uploading of images. A function should be set against the IMAGE_UPLOADER setting like so:

ContentTools.IMAGE_UPLOADER = myImageUploader;

This function receives the dialog when the dialog is initialized, at which point it can set up all the required event bindings to support image uploads (see the Handling image uploads tutorial).

Event name Description
.cancelupload Triggered when a user cancels the upload of an image file.
.clear Triggered when a user clears the image from the dialog.
.fileready Triggered when a user selects an image to upload. The event provides the file key/value.
.mount Triggered when the image dialog is mounted.
.rotatecw Triggered when the user rotates the image clockwise.
.rotateccw Triggered when the user rotates the image counter-clockwise.
.save Triggered when the user selects to save the image.
.unmount Triggered when the image dialog is unmounted.

The prefixed full-stop . against each event above means the event is namespaced under imageuploader, for example .cancelupload would be imageuploader.cancelupload.

dialog = new ContentTools.ImageDialog()

Create a new ImageDialog.


Return the defined crop-region (top, left, bottom, right). The values are normalized to the range 0.0 - 1.0. If no crop region is defined then the maximum region will be returned (e.g [0, 0, 1, 1]).


Add crop marks to the current image so the user can define a crop region.


Clear the image that currently populates the dialog.

dialog.populate(imageURL, imageSize)

Populate the dialog with an image. The imageURL should point to the image to display in the dialog. There's little point in this being larger than the dialog's viewport (570x320 pixels) - the imageSize should be the actual image size as a 2 item of the form [width, height] in pixels.

The populate method is typically called when a new image is uploaded or after the current image has been rotated.


When an image is being uploaded the dialog displays a progress bar. The progress method will get/set the uploadProgress percentage for the dialog. If uploadProgress is given (as a percentage, e.g 0-100) then the progress bar will be updated to reflect the new value, if not then the current progress value will be returned.


Remove crop marks from the current image., imageSize, imageAttrs)

Save and insert the current image. This method triggers the save event against the dialog. The event is triggered with the following arguments:

  • imageURL The URL of the image to insert.
  • imageSize The size of the image (the size at which it will be inserted into the page) given as a 2 item of the form [width, height] in pixels.
  • imageAttrs The attributes for the image given as an object. Common attributes to include are alt and data-ce-max-width (see ContentEdit.ResizeableElement).


Set/get the state of the dialog. The dialog can be set to any of the following states - empty, uploading, populated. If a newState is given then the dialog's state will be set, otherwise its current state will be returned.

The LinkDialog class provides a dialog that floats above a selection of text or image and allows a link to be entered. The dialog is associated with the link tool.

dialog = new ContentTools.LinkDialog(initialValue='')

Create a LinkDialog. The initialValue is used to pre-populate the dialog's input field, for example with the current URL for the link.

Save the link. This method triggers the save event against the dialog. The event is triggered with the value of the dialog's input field.

PropertiesDialog (inherits from DialogUI)

The PropertiesDialog class provides a dialog that allows an element's styles, attributes and inner HTML to be viewed and updated. The properties dialog is opened by selecting a tag in tag inspector.

dialog = new ContentTools.PropertiesDialog(element)

Create a new PropertiesDialog populated by the given element.


Return an object of attributes set in the dialog that have been changed by the user (e.g were added, modified or removed). Attributes that have been removed are assigned a null value, for example:

    'alt': 'My dragon Burt', // + This attribute was added or updated
    'id': null               // - This attribute was removed


Return an object of styles that have been changed by the user (e.g applied or removed). The styles CSS class is mapped to true if the style has been applied and false if it's been removed, for example:

    'note': true,       // + This style was applied
    'definition': false // - This style was removed


Return the inner HTML for the element, taking into account that the element might be a ListItem or TableCell and in which case the content is stored in a child ListItemText or TableCellText element respectively.

Save any changes to the properties. This method triggers the save event against the dialog, the event is triggered with the following arguments:

  • attributes the attributes that have been changed and their values. Attributes with null values have been removed (see the changedAttributes method).
  • styles the styles that have changed (see the changedStyles method).
  • innerHTML The inner HTML for the element. If the element doesn't support content the value will be null.

TableDialog (inherits from DialogUI)

The TableDialog class provides a dialog that allows a table to be inserted or modified. The dialog is associated with the table tool.

dialog = new ContentTools.TableDialog(table)

Create a new TableDialog, if a table element is provided, the dialog allows the user to update the table, if not the dialog allows the user to insert a new table.

Save the table. This method triggers the save event against the dialog. The event is triggered with the following arguments:

  • body the number of columns in the body of the table.
  • foot whether the table has a footer <tfoot>.
  • head whether the table has a head <thead>.

VideoDialog (inherits from DialogUI)

The VideoDialog class provides a dialog that allows a YouTube or Vimeo video to be inserted, alternatively a user can enter any URL and an <iframe> will be inserted with the specified URL as its source. The dialog is associated with the video tool.

dialog = new ContentTools.VideoDialog()

Create a new VideoDialog.


Clear the preview video from the dialog.


Show a preview video in the dialog for the given url.

Save the video. This method triggers the save event against the dialog. The event is triggered with the URL for the video.

The URL may differ from that entered by the user if it is a YouTube or Vimeo URL, in which case it may be altered to match the required format to embed such videos (see the the getEmbedVideoURL function).